How to Eliminate Allergens, Dust, And Dander In The Home By Bi-Weekly Cleaning.

Throughout the week, your home can still be infiltrated by the dreaded allergens, dust, and dander that can cause asthma and allergies to form. Here are some of the most common allergens, dust, and dander that are found lying around and how to keep your home clean.

1) Dust Mites

Dust Mites are a common trigger of asthma and allergy symptoms. Most people think that quickly dusting around their home will get rid of dust mites, but this is false. Dusting can actually make things worse. Instead of picking up that feather duster, reach for a damp cloth. A damp cloth allows you to pick up the dust and effectively remove it, rather than scattering it around your home. Another way to get rid of pesky dust mites is to get rid of any clutter that is laying around your home.

2) Vacuum

Two of the most dust and allergen ridden places in your home are your carpet and your furniture. The best way to prevent dust and allergens from collecting and spreading is to vacuum. By vacuuming once or even twice a week, you can stop allergens from sticking to your carpet and furniture.

3) Regularly Wash Your Bedding

As time goes on, your bed can start to collect dander and other allergens causing you to get sick more often. It’s recommended that you wash your bedding in hot water every week or so. This not only reduces the number of allergens but keeps you healthy and cold-free!

4) Scrub Showers and Sinks To Avoid Mildew

Your shower, tub, and sink are the birthplace of mold and mildew, which can cause asthma and sickness. To make sure that your showers and tubs are mildew-free, scrub them down every week.

Call / Whatsapp Super Maid Cleaning Services now to book your bi-weekly cleaning service at +6012-3151516!

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